Recipes: Tiefenthaler’s Smoked Pork Butt


  • 8 to 10 pounds Pork Shoulder Butt Bone In
  • 1 shaker Tiefenthaler’s Prime Cut Seasoning
  • 1 cup apple juice
  • Your Favorite BBQ Sauce optional
  • 1/4 cup olive oil optional


1. Rinse the pork butt in cold water and dry with paper towels. You can then rub the pork butt with olive oil if you want. The olive oil helps the seasoning adhere to the meat. OPTION: You can wrap the seasoned meat securely in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 8 hours, or as long as overnight.

2. Start the smoker and set the temperature control to 140°F – 175°F or “Smoke.�? Put some apple juice in a spray bottle, and set aside.

4. When the smoker reaches the desired temperature, place the seasoned pork butt on the smoker fat side up. Close the smoker door/lid and allow the meat to smoke uncovered for 3 to 4 hours, lightly spray the apple juice over the pork butt a few times during this process. After you are finished smoking for the first 3 to 4 hours remove the pork butt and wrap in tin foil. Put the wrapped pork butt back on the smoker and set the smoker to 225°F -275°F and smoke until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 195°F – 210°F. This will take approximately 3 to 4 hours. Several factors can affect the cooking time, including the pork butt size and even the weather.

5. After the meat reaches the desired temperature for doneness, turn off the smoker and let the meat rest inside for 20 to 30 minutes.

6. Remove the foiled pork butt from the smoker. Remove foil and transfer the pork butt to a large serving dish. Using 2 forks remove the meat from the bone and discard the excess fat. Carve/Shred the meat. You can serve immediately or cover the meat with foil and place in a low-temperature oven until you’re ready to serve. If desired, accompany your favorite BBQ Sauce. Because the meat is flavorful and moist, you many not need to add sauce.

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